Auction Collector
Èíòåðíåò-àóêöèîí ïî÷òîâûõ ìàðîê,ìîíåò,êíèã . Áåñïëàòåí äëÿ
ïîêóïàòåëåé è ïðîäàâöîâ.Àóêöèîí ïðîöåññ ïîêóïêè è ïðîäàæè òîâàðîâ èëè
óñëóã, ïðåäëàãàÿ èì íà òîðãè, ïðèíèìàÿ ñòàâêè, à çàòåì ïðîäàâàÿ ýëåìåíò
íàèâûñøóþ öåíó. Online auction of stamps, coins, books. Free for buyers and
prodavtsov.Auktsion process of buying and selling goods or services, by
offering them at auction, taking bids and then selling the item to the
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