Spanish School, Arequipa, Perú, CEPESMA
CEPESMA Idiomas is my very own personal project. Everyone holds something near and dear, and for me, it is languages. I earned my bachelors degree in education with emphasis in languages from San Agustin National University in Arequipa. My degree program included general education courses as well as translation and interpretation of English, Italian and basic French.
Cepesmaidiomasceci.com ~
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Arequipa Hostel - El Caminante Class
The lodging El caminante Class is build in an old house end of the XVIII Century, builded of Sillar stone. This special location allows an easy access to the main turistic attractives like. Santa Catalina Monastery, Arequipas Cathedral, The Compañía Church and also its from 15 minutes of Arequipas Airport.
Elcaminanteclass.com ~
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.:: La Gruta Hotel ::. Arequipa - Perú
This hotel with beautiful gardens is located in an elegant residential area. Yet few minutes away from the colonial city and commercial area. Highly recommended by the Lonely Planet - Peru , in its fourth edition of March 2000 (p.199), among the top-end places to stay.
Lagrutahotel.com ~
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crèche d'arequipa assocation humanitaire franco-péruvienne
La crèche dArequipa est une association humanitaire franco-péruvienne pour aider les enfants défavorisés des bidonvilles dAREQUIPA au PEROU les crèches aider par le bénévolat et le parrainage par laction humanitaire, aide agir en tant que parrain ou donateur pour les crèches ou les écoles Lara, Carlos Llosa, Cono Norte. Nos ressources avec la transparence financière sur nos Frais de fonctionnement pour offrir un microcrédit à lartisanat et écoles ONG
Crechedarequipa.com ~
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