La Sinfonia de Lanaudière
La Sinfonia de Lanaudire est un orchestre de chambre d'une trentaine de musiciens en rsidence au Thtre Hector-Charland de L'Assomption dans Lanaudire. Les premires chaises de la section des cordes sont tenues par les membres du clbre Quatuor Claudel-Canimex.
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Kernowek, The Cornish Language | Kernewek, the Celtic language of Kernow
The Cornish Language, (Kernowek or Kernewek) the Celtic language of Kernow, Cornwall, with history, literature, culture, for learning, and reading; in English, Kernowek, Francais, Deutsch and Italiano, in a fun, easy style and educates English, Italian, French, and German people on how to read, write and speak the Cornish language.
Kernowek.com ~
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