Bienvenu sur le site de la FENAM, FEdération Nationale des Apiculteurs Malagasy.
Créée en 2009, cette fédération poursuit plusieurs objectifs de soutient à l’apiculture malgache.
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Beaver Plastics products made from expanded polystyrene foam
Beaver Plastics produces high-performance, engineered products made from expanded polystyrene foam for packaging, commercial and residential construction and grower products. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam is a popular packaging material used to cushion and protect products during distribution. We develop and manufacture construction products based on expanded polystyrene (EPS). These include hydronic heating insulation, high performance insulation for walls, foundations and slab insulation, transport packaging, geotechnical protection, elasticized EPS, drainfield chambers, grade beam void cushions, impact sound insulation for flooring, Beaver plastics manufactures propagation trays for horticulture and silviculture. Beaver Plastics has always been at the forefront of research in apiculture bee nesting blocks and laminates. Other key terms at Beaver Plastics are Logix blocks, acoustiworks, apiculture, dynavoid, fabricated packaging, frost cushion, G-tec, horticulture, Insulwall, Insulworks, Logix insulated concrete forms, molded packaging, silviculture, terminator, terrafoam, recycling, environmental, packaging, styrofoam, megablock, GECET, R-MER and ARCEL expandable resins
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