4test - profesjonelle måleinstrumenter
4Test er Agilent Technologies sin distributør for Test og Måleinstrumenter i Norge. Agilent Technologies var tidligere Hewlett Packard Test & Measurement. 4test representerer også VTI Instruments,
med teknologi for VXIbus, VMIP, SMIP, VMEbus og LXI, samt produkter fra Qualitest Technologia for nettverksplanlegging, kontroll, analyse og etterbehandling av data.
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Auge | Entwicklung elektronischer Baugruppen,Entwicklung,Elektronik,elektronische Baugruppen,Auftragsentwicklung,Schaltplan,Layout,Leiterplattenlayout,Platinenlayout,entflechten,Altium Designer,Telekommunikation,Industrieelektronik,abgekündigt,obsolet,Netzwerk
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www.jordanDSP.com - even the rocks will cry out
jordanDSP (Benjamin W. D. Jordan) is a quality electronic product developer, innovator and teacher. As the name of this web site implies, there is a specific area of interest in Digital Signal Processing - particularly with regards to audio signals, musical special effects and FPGA hardware acceleration. With over 11 years of combined, practical experience in development, design, training and coaching in these areas jordanDSP.com is well equipped to develop the products of the future. Using only the best development tools accelerates the design and production process and reduces communications bottlenecks.
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