Hello. This site is a dedicated effort to bring students to Web 2.0 (look it up) ... giving them "author" rights to publish any course-related works, giving them access to creating their own "Virtual Portfolio", posting Resumes, Research Papers, choice of Music, Images, and Videos! Essentially, their own Academic Brand of "You Tube"!
This "wickedly" successful form of "Wiki" (look it up) creates teamwork, social / academic "networking", and proficiency "orders of magnitude" greater than conventional, standard teaching techniques and flat technology! With this class "collaboration", "learning community" approach, students learn greater and faster! By, uncorking the creative, untapped creativity of my students and allowing peers to "copy-and-paste", i.e., "build on existing models", progress is exponentially accelerated!
Student become "high performance" learners with Instructors helping students to "start their engines", then stepping back in a support role! Restated, given the author access / right to publish, the ability to "copy-paste" (build on models), creating "synergy", creating "Virtual Teamwork", this form of learning is highly Innovative, and Successful. Go Look and Learn. Works done by a CIS 701 class by Prof. Auciello, administered by Business / OA / CIS Chair Ms. Paulette Bailey who supports Robust, Interactive, Immersive Technology applied to Learning!
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