Psychologie & Familienrecht
Wir setzen uns für die Anerkennung des Parental-Alienation-Syndrome (elterlich verursachte
Kindesentfremdung, meist durch den sorgerechtigten Elternteil) und die Einführung eines entsprechenden
Sanktionenkataloges (Empfehlungen des amerikanischen Kinderpsychiaters Prof. Richard A. Gardner, aus New Jersey) in Europa ein.
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Face The Truth - (C) 2007 BT Media LLC - The Japan Children's Rights Network
Our Mission is to disseminate information to help change attitudes and laws in Japan in order to assure all children of direct, meaningful and continuing contact with both parents, regardless of citizenship, marital status or gender. We want to restore the rights of children in Japan with separated parents, such as in divorce, international parental abduction to Japan, parental kidnapping within Japan and birth out of wedlock. The Japan Children's Rights Network has a large collection of English language information on Japanese Family Law which provides experienced-centric information on parental abduction, child custody, and visitation rights in Japan. We also provide a web based service to help children contact left-behind parents and document cases of parental abduction, denied visitation rights, discrimination, child abuse and other such activities in Japan.
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Designed to help reduce stress and increase peace at home and between your children's households, puts wings on custody orders and helps reduce risk of returning to the hallways of family law court.
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