ohvie's Photos | SmugMug
The Basis of Your Life is Freedom; the Purpose of Your Life is Joy. And the Result of all that is Expansion. [Abraham-Hicks]
Photography is bringing it all: the freedom to see what is unseen by others, the freedom to explore new territories, new vantage points. And then, the joy of sharing, the joy of discovering the beauty of this world, and to appreciate more and more everything that is surrounding us.
With these words in mind and in quest for expansion, I approach photography as a celebration of life and as a mean of communication: of feelings and moods, through portraits and candid, of moments in life, through art, social and sport events, of natural beauty through landscapes, architecture and portraits again, as each one shows, in some way, the beauty of life.
So enjoy my photos and feel free to leave comments, critiques and also take a look at all the amazing range of printing products for the shots that you like and are for sale. You will find by clicking on "buy" all kinds of printing paper and sizes, albums, key chains, mugs, t-shirts and even canvas.
Thank you!
Ovidiu (Ohvie) Sofronia
Ohvie.com ~
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Happy Ever After Club
Happy Ever After is the birthright of any individual prepared to live authentically, respectfully, peacefully and joyfully, in harmony with other human beings, the Earth and the Universal Forces of Creation. Practised daily, Happy Ever After is also the foundation of loving relationships.
Happyeverafterclub.com ~
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