Out Of Africa Adventurous Safaris - Hunting Safaris in Africa
OUT OF AFRICA ADVENTUROUS SAFARIS - Big Five Hunting Safaris in Africa.
The African countries in which we will hunt are among the last remaining on the African continent where a hunter can experience a Safari complete with optimal accommodation and amenities.
Accommodation will be in African-style huts or high-quality tents. The units sleep one or two persons. Units are equipped with flushing toilets and hot and cold water. Our camps in South Africa have the luxury of electricity fitted with converters. Tasks such as cooking and laundry will be performed by our employees. Meals are ample, varied and adapted to your personal requirements and taste and will be served with the best of South African wines.
Approximate winter temperatures (May to August) range between 40F in early morning to 65F in the afternoon. Spring temperatures (February-April and September-October) range between 50F and 85F. The raining season varies by areas.
Our organization hunts in several regions of various terrain. The concessions are reserved exclusively for our clients in large, private hunting areas. Dense bush, savannahs and hills are the habitats in which the game reaches maturity. The variety of regions allows us to offer a wide range of game with exceptional opportunities to bag valuable trophies. We can offer you 60 species and sub-species in these African countries (South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Tanzania). The hunting season in South Africa and Botswana is from February to November, in Zimbabwe from March to November, and in Tanzania from July to November. You will be hunting according to your wishes, possibilities and ability. Because of the vastness of the hunting area, we will track in 4x4 vehicles. Once the game has been sighted, it will be hunted on foot. It is at this moment that the actual hunt commences with its challenges, hazards and beauty.
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