#306721. Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified School District
The Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified School District serves two attractive, friendly communities on either side of I-5. The City of Coalinga with 11,000 and City of Huron with over 5,000 population are served with a regional hospital and West Hills Community College; away from the bustle of big cities, but within a comfortable drive to their amenities; about three hours to Los Angeles and San Francisco, and even closer to Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Monterey, and to Sequoia, Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks.
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#306730. Rangifer.net: Human Role in Reindeer/Caribou Systems
The most comprehensive collection of research resources on Rangifer (Caribou/Reindeer): Human-Rangifer research plan, a network of reindeer, caribou scientists, Rangifer research resources, links for research on reindeer, caribou, bibliography of printed resources: references, databases, catalogs, reindeer, caribou photo galleries
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