#142822. The Green Optimistic - alternative energy news, environmental awareness
free energy, biogas, biodiesel, wind power, solar power, electric car, hybrid car, environment, tidal power, nuclear power, solar cell, global warming, global dimming
Greenoptimistic.com ~
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#142823. Chickasaw Nation Industries, Inc.
The Chickasaw Nation Industries, Incorporated (CNI), is a federally chartered 8(a) tribal business corporation created for the purpose of promoting the economic development and long-term financial viability of the Chickasaw Nation. Our purpose is realized and our objectives are achieved by the development, creation or acquisition of financially sound, well managed business entities which then comprise the divisional structure of the corporation. Our business capabilities are diverse and broad in scope. They include construction, property management, information technologies, medical professional services, manufacturing and retail.
Chickasaw.com ~
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#142827. PC Universe Computers, software, networking, printers
Great prices and fast service for all your computer needs: laptops, printers, networking, software, servers from IBM, HP, Microsoft, and other brands.
Pcuniverse.com ~
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