Zion Messianic Fellowship
Description: Zion Messianic Fellowship’s aim is to provide good solid Bible teaching to believers (Jew and Gentile) interested in knowing the truth about Messiah (Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth).
Keywords: Zion, Messianic, Jew, Gentile, good, solid, Bible, teaching, truth, Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, Hebraic Roots, Shabbat, Sabbath, Torah, Tanakh, Hebrew Scriptures, Brit Chadashah, Christian, New Testament, good news, mighty God, anointed one, tri-unity, God-Father, God-Son, God-Holy Spirit, salvation, Body of Messiah, Israel, Law of Moses, covenant, Passover, Pesarch, grafted in, olive tree, Abraham