Unipv.it has 81 URLs listed in 66 Dmoz categories.
E-CAP 2004. Computing and Philosophy Conference European Region Hosted by the Computational Philosophy Laboratory and the Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia, Italy, 3 to 5 June 2004. Research topics cover many aspects of the "computational turn" that is occurring within the discipline of philosop http://www.unipv.it/webphilos_lab/courses/progra2.html Top/Computers/Ethics/Conferences
Center for Bioacoustics Focuses on the development of research projects on the acoustic communication in marine animals, the study of practical applications in regard to the monitoring and censusing of cetaceans. http://www.unipv.it/webcib/welcome.html Top/Science/Environment/Organizations/Marine
History and Philosophy of Physics Research activities, essays, databases, books, meetings in History and Philosophy of Physics. A section is dedicated to the development of Physics in Italy. http://fisicavolta.unipv.it/percorsi/ Top/Science/Physics/History