Gandalf Murphy presents "The Grand Slambovians"
Description: Gandalf Murphy presents The Grand Slambovians
Keywords: grand, slambovian, grand slambovian, circus, dreams, ministry of information, GMSCoD, gmscod, great unravel, great, unravel, ravel, slambovian, slambovia, pete seeger, music, art, grassroots, dream, clown, entertainment, web design, gates of eden, alternative, punk, folk, classical, hillbilly, floyd, tink, gandalf, murphy, gandalf murphy, realaudio, songs, multimedia, indie, astronomy, cosmology, musicology, physics, light speed entanglement, protons, gamma rays, flapjacks, good thief, great unravel, great, unravel, unravelling, space, cosmos, aurora, plasma, universe, particle, accelerator, fusion, solar, tink, light a way, pushing up daisies, never fit, clear channel, julia, forever and a day like this, flapjacks from the sky, everyone has a broken heart