Gordon Horseshoes - Championship Horseshoes
Description: The Gordons carefully engineered design allows players of all skill levels and pitching styles to succeed in making solid ringers. The Gordon is indeed an all-round shoe, equally fit for family reunions as it is for championship tournaments! Meets National Horseshoe Pitcher's Association (NHPA) specifications. NHPA sanctioned for tournament play. Available in pairs, Flat-coat BLACK, AISI C1035 Carbon Steel, Drop forged, Available in the popular medium soft, medium weight, 2.8 ounces, 1 Year breakage Guarantee, Manufacturer of Gordon Horseshoes-made to NHPA spec's-tournament pitching horseshoes.
Keywords: Gordon, horseshoe pitching, gordons, pitching horseshoes, Pitching Horseshoes, PITCHING HORSESHOES NHPA, gordon horseshoes, omega horseshoes, Gordon Horseshoes, GORDON HORSESHOES, professional horseshoes, horseshoe set, Queen City Forging, horseshoe court, pit, ringer, black horseshoe, ringers, horseshoe pit, double ringer