Blackertor UK Stud - British and American Miniature Horse Stud
Description: Blackertor UK Stud - breeder of American and British Miniature horses based near Okehampton Devon UK.
Keywords: American Miniature horses, British Miniature Horses, spotted miniatures, Overo, Tobiano ponies, coloured ponies, Fallabella ponies, Apaloosa ponies, shetland ponies, shetland pony, Halstock and Blackertor, Blackertor, horse, horses, pony, ponies, Miniature Horse stud, stud farm, breeder, horse breeder, stud, miniature horses, miniature ponies, miniature shetlands, miniature shetland ponies, show horses, stallions at stud, companion ponies, miniature horses at stud, horse riding, pony riding