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Antiquity Journal has 53 URLs listed in 49 Dmoz categories.

The Viking Age Long-House at Glaumbær Skagafjördur
Associated archaeological record is difficult to identify on the surface, survey is challenging and settlement pattern studies have been of little help in understanding the Icelandic Viking Age Commonwealth or its documented transition from chiefdom to s
Surveying Punic Rural Settlement: The Terralba Rural Settlement Project, Sardinia
The island of Sardinia in the western Mediterranean was a renowned supplier of agricultural produce in Punic and Roman times, and was repeatedly hailed by classical authors as the 'granary' of Carthage and Republican Rome.
New prospects for the Study of Early Neolithic Longhouses in the Polish Lowlands
Aerial surveys are carried out on an irregular basis by a limited number of scientists who share their experiences in hope of propagating the method in Poland. Yet, every now and then spectacular discoveries are made which demonstrate that aerial survey
Middle and Late Pleistocene investigations of Myshtulagty Lagat (Weasel Cave) North Ossetia
Myshtulagty Lagat is the first stratified Paleolithic cave from north-central Caucasus.
Rock Carvings of Russian Karelia
The project started in 2002 and is a part of a wider study concerned with understanding the art of prehistoric fisher-gatherer-hunters in Northern Europe.
Social Frameworks in the Iron Age Cemetery of La Cerrada de los Santos
It lies in the eastern edge of the Spanish Plateau, in the Iberian Mountain System; an area of crucial importance for communications between the Spanish mainland and the Mediterranean coast.
Combining Archaeozoology and Molecular Genetics
The reason behind the changes in cattle size between 150BCE and 700CE in Northern Switzerland.
The development of economy and environment from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in Northern Syria and the Levant. A case-study from the Upper Khabur region
The project aims to take up previously recognised indications of Bronze and Early Iron Age environmental and economic change in northern Syria and southern Turkey and specify these developments through new carpological, anthracological and geoarchaeologi
Ganj Par: The first evidence for Lower Paleolithic occupation in the Southern Caspian Basin, Iran
In terms of Lower Palaeolithic occupation, with only a handful of evidence including some core-chopper assemblages from gravel deposits along Ladiz, Mashkid, and Kashafrud rivers in eastern Iran and the west and north-western parts of the Zagros region.
Excavations at a Late Neolithic site in Wadi Ziqlab
University of Toronto excavations in northern Jordan, where survey had discovered Neolithic artifacts. From Antiquity, December 2004.
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