#61235. All Academic Inc. (Abstract Management, Conference Management and Research Search Engine)
Online abstract management software and conference management software. The online solution for abstract submission, peer review, conference scheduling, and conference program generation for your annual meeting or convention. Abstract submission, paper and session submissions. Online peer review (statistical and non-statistical) plus comments to authors and association chairs. Multiple rounds of review. Session and event scheduling for academic conferences / conventions. A Volunteer system for reviewers, chairs, discussants and/or any role in the system. All Academic is also a data warehouse and fulltext archiving service allowing Searching, and Conference Scheduling and Sessions Services for all of your associations academic annual meetings and publications (sessions, abstracts, journals, papers, panels). ~
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#61239. Telefónica en España
Información relativa a Telefónica en España, el mayor operador nacional por número de clientes. Su actividad se centra fundamentalmente en los negocios de telefonía fija y telefonía móvil, con la banda ancha como herramienta clave para el desarrollo de ambos negocios, y en los servicios y aplicaciones de las tecnologías de la información. El objetivo de la compañía es conseguir ser la mejor empresa global de comunicaciones del mundo digital ~
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