Huge Impact Crater Found in Egypt
BBC News report that a giant meteorite crater (named "Kebira" -- which means "large" in Arabic -- and also relates to the crater's physical location on the northern tip of the Gilf Kebir region in southwest Egypt) formed from an imp
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Huge Crater Found in Egypt
Report on the discovery, by Boston University researchers Farouk El-Baz and Eman Ghoneim, of crater “Kebira,” more than twice as big as the next largest Saharan crater known; by Robert Roy Britt at Space.com.
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Griffith Institute
This renowned research institute, which has "the largest specialized Egyptological archive in the world," includes the records of Howard Carter's excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun, a major database of 19th-century studio photographs of Egyp
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Railways In the Nile Valley (Until 1935)
This history of Egypt's railway system begins with an overview of the country's place in the region's travel and trade, recounts establishment of the Alexandria-Cairo line (the first railway on the African continent) in 1851-56, and then its expansion to
Railfan.net ~
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Oxyrhynchus: A City and its Texts
Online version of the exhibition of the same name, celebrating 100 years of publication of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri; contains information and images on the Site, Excavations and Finds, Daily Life, A Millennium of Documents, Scribes and Scholars, and other
Ox.ac.uk ~
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